Friday, 19 April 2013

What was missing from Digital Culture?

Throughout this unit, I've felt a constant absence of an explanation of how most of the themes and topics covered are relevant to journalism, and therefore me. As I said previously, I understand how things such as the digital mind and body are important and it's good to have a general knowledge, but I feel there could have been other things covered which would be a lot more relevant and useful. This could be anything from discussing the history of newspaper phone apps and what they've done for the news industries, or perhaps about pay walls and the future of interactive news.

I also received minimal if any feedback on my work, which honestly made me feel like it wasn't that important which made me more inclined to be lazy and sloppy, specifically within the first term. I feel it would have been extremely useful and motivating to have a one to one session in the workshops, even just 5 minutes alone with the lecturer for them to look at my work and tell me what to do and what not to do, even just for some reassurance that what I was doing was right, which I wasn't sure about.

I honestly enjoyed writing some of the posts, particularly those where I felt I could be a bit more informal and didn't have to keep using scientific and technical jargon which I quite honestly didn't, and still don't understand. I think the method of blogging is useful where you can videos and pictures to explain your ideas, as it makes it much more enjoyable as you don't feel you're writing as much as you are!

I found it a lot easier toward the end of the course where I was much more comfortable with what I was doing and the topics got more relevant and interesting to write about (such as the digital democracy post). These included more of the themes and topics that I enjoy and want to be part of in my journalistic career. (Hopefully!)

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