Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Media Change

There are approximately 7, 012,000,000 people in the world today. 5, 006,000,000 of those people have a mobile phone.

''Mediamorphosis'' is a term used to describe the evolution of media, mainly mobile phones. The majority of University students with a smart phone can show how the mobile phone is actually no longer just a mobile phone. They are now mini computers, with internet access, video and photo taking devices, GPS systems, sound systems and hundreds of other things as well as a phone. Ten years ago that would've seemed impossible and laughable. This can show that ''new media'' is always changing and that change itself is inevitable. 

The majority of people who own a mobile phone today are more than likely to hold an android phone. However the young adult generation of today will remember the excitement of receiving their first mobile phone at the age of 12/13. This phone, most likely a Nokia 3010i was mainly used for playing 'snake' and texting your mum what you want for dinner. 

With the development of technology, the younger generations are learning how to use them quicker than the older generations. Most babies and children's toys have some form of digital technology included in them. This means that children are learning to use this type of equipment from a very young age, and therefore will be more adaptable and more advanced in technology when it comes to their older years. 

Historical development 

Remediation: The act or process of correcting a fault or deficiency: ''http://www.thefreedictionary.com/remediation''

Digitisation: to transcribe (data) into a digital form so that it can bedirectly processed by a computer - http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/digitisation

This enables computer technology to progress into making new hardware for more advanced possibilities in media. For example, green screens in film and television. 

This video shows the effectiveness of green screens and how it has massively helped film makers and photographers in the ease of creating a specific picture. - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y4gqHPdRKJM&feature=related

1.allowing or relating to continuous two-way transfer of information between a user and the central point of communication system, such as a computer or television
2.(of two or more persons, forces, etc) acting upon or in close relation with each other; interacting


Having the internet has made Interactivity more advanced. However there is the argument that the popularisation of the internet and of telephones has ceased pure face to face interaction. Specifically in education, methods such as powerpoints, online guidance and ironically blogging are used as teaching methods that are supposedly more suited to students in 2012. Older generations simply learnt through teacher to class interaction, perhaps with a blackboard.
''The attention span of an average internet user is now shorter than that of a nervous rabbit on crack'' - 

There are plenty of arguments stating that young adults and teenagers are less able to keep their attention focused on something as they are so used to digital devices such as the internet and TV where they don't need to sustain focus or think too hard as everything is offered to them by the internet or TV.

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